You are planning to set up NGV stations in your territory? Sylvain Mesnard Anaerobic digestion/NGV project manager + 33 (0)1 47 42 70 62 Contact us
An eco-friendly alternative for gas-powered vehicles
BioNGV supporting green, sustainable mobility
The transport industry is the sector with the highest greenhouse gas emissions in France, and is also responsible for numerous air pollutants: Nox, carbon monoxide, fine particles…
Environmental benefits1:
- - 80% CO2 emissions
- - 50% Nox emissions
- - 95% fine particles
Economic and social benefits

50% in noise pollution and significant reduction in vibrations

20% to 30% savings compared with conventional fuel

NGV benefits from energy transition aid mechanisms, such as improved amortisation from 120% to 160% for the acquisition of vehicles of 2.6 T or more, or a total or partial vehicle registration exemption

Classed in category 1 for Crit’Air passes
NGV and BioNGV are therefore consistent with the national and regional commitment to developing “clean” fuel:
- NGV supplies natural gas-powered vehicles. It is the same natural gas as that used for heating or cooking, but it is recovered as fuel.
- BioNGV is the renewable and low-carbon version of NGV. The fuel that supplies the vehicle comes from the biomethane produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic waste.