
Specialised design office

Evergaz has its own design office dedicated to anaerobic digestion, LEDJO Energie, founded in 2007
LEDJO Energie supports biogas projects, from the design to the operation of the units.
Our design office relies on feedback from facilities in operation for its engineering assignments, during study as well as construction phases.
LEDJO Energie assists Evergaz as biogas operator as well as any other anaerobic digestion project initiator independently of the Evergaz group.
Evergaz, with LEDJO Energie’s regulatory studies division, takes all administrative steps relating to anaerobic digestion units, during project or operational phases
- ICPE (facilities classified for environmental protection)
- Health approval
- Urban planning
- Water Act
- Substrate/input
- Digestate recovery
- Biogas storage and disposal
- Energy recovery

Associated studies include:
- Project feasibility study
- Resource study for the identification, qualification and securing of input materials
- Classification according to the ICPE nomenclature
- ICPE applications associated with the declaration, registration or authorisation regime
- ICPE modification application
- Health approval
- Building permit application
- Study on the recovery of the digestate produced
- Environmental report
- Health approval
- Compliance audit
- IED reassessment application
- ICPE activity report
- Public information report
- Annual declaration of discharge on the GEREP application
- Land application plan
- Provisional land application programme
- Annual agronomic balance
Evergaz, with LEDJO Energie’s construction division, helps its partners build biogas facilities and optimise sites in operation, in particular:
- Organisation of the tender process and determination of specifications
- Selection of the Project Manager (PM) for the design of the project
- Securing of the electrical connection or biomethane injection
- Conclusion of energy supply agreements - heat, biogas, air conditioning, NGV/BioNGV
- Preparation of insurance records with a view to project insurability
- Coordination of stakeholders and representation of the project owner during the construction and commissioning of the facilities
- Coordination of facility optimisation work
- Technical audits of sites in operation
- Technical assistance in the operation of facilities