Project development

Evergaz guides you through all stages of your project
Application for Authorisation to Operate an ICPE (Facility Classified for Environmental Protection)
Specific authorisations are required to start an anaerobic digestion project and recover the organic waste generated by the territories. Evergaz has drawn on its feedback to gain recognised expertise in technical and administrative engineering so that it can guide its partners through all stages of the development of anaerobic digestion projects.
- Compilation of the data required to secure the authorisation to operate, depending on the administrative regime of the facilities (declaration, registration, authorisation)
- Identification of specialised consulting firms to carry out specific additional studies: hazard, impact, odour studies, etc.
- Compilation and submission of applications to supervisory administrations
- Preparation of insurance records to limit risks and secure the partners involved alongside us in biogas projects
Building Permit Preparation
- Based on plans, sketches, drawings, created in whole or in part by the businesses
- In conjunction with the architect or the project manager selected for the project
- In accordance with the regulations applicable to anaerobic digestion projects: consideration of safety distances, useful retention areas, fire fighting measures, etc.
Connection and purchase of electricity and biomethane
- Necessary steps taken to connect the facilities
- Conclusion of electricity and biomethane purchase and sale contracts
Liaising with administrations
- Administrative steps and regulatory obligations relating to the sites in operation and relations with supervisory administrations: DREAl, DDCSPP, Prefecture, etc.
Project ownership
Once the preliminary studies have been carried out and the required authorisations have been obtained, Evergaz positions itself as a genuine project owner for its anaerobic digestion projects, based on more than 15 years of experience in the development and monitoring of multi-stakeholder anaerobic digestion projects.
- Preparation of tender documents
- Selection of the Project Manager (PM) for the design of the project
- Consultation and selection of the service providers necessary for the application for authorisation to operate an ICPE
- Securing of the electrical connection or biogas injection
- Drafting and negotiation of digestible material supply contracts
- Drafting and negotiation of energy supply agreements – heat, biogas, air conditioning, NGV and biomethane fuel (BioNGV)
- Search for subsidies and preparation of the corresponding applications
- Preparation of insurance records with a view to project insurability
- Coordination of stakeholders and representation of the project owner during construction and commissioning
Independent of any contractor or manufacturer, we advocate a customised approach to anaerobic digestion, and a selection of service providers based on calls for tender divided into packages, to ensure the solution provided by the anaerobic digestion unit matches the specific needs of the project.
Anaerobic digestion units
are a long-term investment
Evergaz helps you finance your biogas project, thanks to the sound financial expertise of its dedicated team
Involvement alongside our territorial partners by financing anaerobic digestion units using our own funds
Preparation of subsidy applications for eligible study and investment costs. For example, our projects received support from the ERDF, ADEME, local authorities or the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition.
Regularly updated, each business plan guarantees the medium-term profitability of the project for the partners and banks.
An existing network of leading investors and partner banks, already responsible for productive collaborative efforts, such as: Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, BPI France, Arkea Banques Entreprises et Institutionnels, Banque Populaire Grand Ouest, Edmond de Rotschild Asset Management or Caisse d’Epargne et de Prévoyance Loire Centre, Eiffel Investment Group or RGreen Invest.
Creation of a project company for each anaerobic digestion unit, involving Evergaz and its partners. All decisions relating to the project are made by the company, in keeping with a transparent and cooperative model of governance.
So that our projects can be shared with everyone
Our anaerobic digestion projects bring together various stakeholders from the same territory: waste collectors, farmers, local authorities, local energy suppliers, local energy distribution companies (ELD), managers of energy distribution networks, industrial companies, associations, etc. From the development phase and throughout the life of biogas production sites, we feel that it is essential to establish mutual, transparent communication with the populations and local economic players.
Evergaz commits to ongoing dialogue with local stakeholders, promoting positive interactions between the project and its territory.
The form of this communication is always adapted to the progress of the project and the local context:
- Organisation of information meetings
- Organisation of site visits
- Educational tours
- Open days
- Partnerships
You live near one of our anaerobic digestion sites and you’d like to find out more about it?
Don't hesitate to
contact us! Contact us