Am-Power, Belgique

With an output of 7.5MWel and a treatment capacity of 180,000 tonnes of waste per year, Am- Power is one of Europe’s largest sites. The unit was developed and commissioned in 2012 by Stefaan Delabie. It treats a wide range of waste and by-products, primarily livestock effluents and waste from the agri-food industry, while supplying electricity to more than 14,000 homes. Made possible by the Belgian legislation, dry digestate is sold as natural fertiliser.
Project description
Evergaz and Stefaan Delabie became partners in 2018, when Evergaz took a stake in Am-Power and Bio-NRGY. This cooperation was formed around an innovative industrial digestate treatment project, developed and tested by Stefaan Delabie for 5 years. Am-Power is a partner in a large-scale European Union H2020 project called “SYSTEMIC”. It is one of five European demonstration plants where developments are underway for the post-treatment of digestate, more specifically nutrient recovery. This process consists of extracting water from liquid digestate to reduce land application volumes and preserve the organic value of digestate, which is key for agricultural soil and future crops.
Key data
Manure, slurry, agri-food industry by-products
Treatment capacity :
180,000 tonnes/year -
Biogas recovery through cogeneration :
7.5 MWe -
Equivalent number of homes supplied with electricity :
14,000 homes -
Total investment :
€21 million -
Commissioning date :
2012 - One of Europe’s largest sites
- Production of renewable energy
- Sharing of good practices and feedback from French and Belgian markets
- Production of a natural fertiliser placed on the market, substitutable for chemical fertilisers
- Innovative post-treatment of digestate, a natural fertiliser for agricultural soil