Support for project leaders

LEDJO Energie: dedicated engineering & consulting subsidiary

The benefits of LEDJO Energie
LEDJO Energie assists Evergaz as biogas operator as well as any other anaerobic digestion project initiator independently of the Evergaz group.
- Independent of any contractor or manufacturer
- Skills exclusively dedicated to biogas with a Regulatory studies Division and a Construction Division
- Feedback: in particular from Evergaz facilities in operation since 2014
Support at every step
- Studies: feasibility studies, procurement plan, design, environmental analysis, digestate recovery, etc.
- Regulatory assistance: preparation of ICPE applications, regulatory changes, regulatory reports for sites in operation
- Operational assistance: performance optimisation, search for resources, land application plans, etc.
- Audits of sites in operation, project audits
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about LEDJO Energie
Training courses
LEDJO Energie has been a registered training organisation since 2017 and provides training to executives from major gas network operators for example.
Customised training courses are provided to suit your needs.
- Possibility of organising one or more cogeneration or injection site visits, with practical workshops
- Possibility of producing a “feedback” module with presentation of several anaerobic digestion sites in France and Germany
- Training content and duration tailored to the target audience and requirements
Possibility of educational modules
Technical overview of biogas
- foundations of anaerobic digestion
- materials treated
- main technologies
Mobilisation of resources
- input materials usable
- points of attention: costs, seasonality, risks, storage, transport, etc.
- waste regulations
Injection of biomethane
- characteristics of biomethane
- scrubbing techniques
- guarantees of origin
- inspections and standards
Digestate recovery
- characteristics: environmental benefits, odour abatement, etc.
- land application methods
- regulations
Market and outlook
- key figures
- European market and France’s position
- challenges and opportunities of the sector
- regulations and acceptability of projects
- main players and typologies
- natural gas for Vehicles and outlook
Development of a biogas project
- key stages in the development of a project
- feasibility study, call for tender, ICPE procedures, connection, financial arrangements, construction, contracting process, insurance, consultation and acceptability
Financing and business model
- business model of a biogas facility
- funding of projects
- profitability of biogas projects
- subsidies
Risk control
- regulations (ATEX, ICPE, etc.)
- accident rate
- safety and good practices